Monday, July 6, 2015

Agile Development: Determining Sprint Duration

In my previous post in this Agile Development series I explained the anatomy of a sprint in terms of the three different sprint phases. In this post I'll detail the two main ways sprint duration is determined.

Fixed Time

Most sprint teams you come across will use a fixed time for their sprints. In my experience 2 to 3 week sprints are the most common duration. The goal of a fixed time sprint is to shorten the feedback loop with the customer in order to deliver the right features to them. By limiting the time to 2 or 3 weeks you can easily change course as the requirements change and provide continued business value to the customer without spending a lot of time on features that won't be used or whose requirements have changed.

Having a fixed time sprint allows the team to set expectations with your customer on what new features they will be building and when they will be available to the customer. I would strongly suggest that you don't have sprints that are longer than 3 weeks in duration. 2 to 3 weeks keeps the feedback loop small while also giving the sprint team enough time to build a feature out end to end. Increasing the amount of time it takes to complete the feedback loop means that the sprint team could spend more time building the wrong product and less time building the correct product should the requirements change.

It is occasionally the case with a fixed time sprint where the sprint will end and the team will have been unable to complete a particular feature. In this case the retrospective should identify the cause of the decreased velocity. Typical causes for a decrease in velocity (in my experience) have been:
  • Failure to account for vacation or known leave of sprint team members.
  • Failure to account for time spent on external work (like on-call duties).
  • Failure to account for the unexpected work that grows the sprint backlog.
  • Undefined or not well defined definitions of done.
  • Stories that are too large and hide dependencies.
  • Unknown external dependencies. 

Fixed Feature

Another, less common, way to determine sprint duration is to use a fixed feature approach. This approach says that a sprint is complete only when a particular feature is complete regardless of time. This is typically used when it is known that dependencies are hidden but that it is not easy to uncover those dependencies without first doing some work towards the end goal of the feature. In a system without a well defined or understood architecture, a fixed feature sprint duration is often used as it allows for the unknowns that go with the not well defined architecture.

Earlier in my career this was a more appealing way to determine sprint duration but as I've grown in my Agile planning I've come to realize that open-ended sprint duration's actually detract from shipping software more than they contribute to shipping complete software. Even with the most ambiguous problems it is usually better to first root out the ambiguity in a fixed time sprint and then plan and work on the feature.

Another reason that I've found for fixed feature sprints being less than ideal is that you have a harder time gauging your velocity as your velocity is determined by the amount of work you can complete in a fixed amount of time. Since knowing you're velocity is key for estimating when a feature is complete without it you cannot set your customers expectations as to when they will get a particular feature.

Fixed feature sprints also increase the time it takes to complete the feedback loop. And, as I mentioned earlier, increased feedback loops mean that it takes longer to respond to customer requests.

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